USAI Lottery
Current Jackpot: $0
USAI Bonus: $0
Draw date: TBA
Buy tickets
Ticket price: $0
To buy tickets, contact brandonusa on Discord. (This will be automated eventually)
How it works
Every now and then USAI will sell lottery tickets. Each player can buy as many tickets as they wish. The jackpot is funded by ticket sales, and will occasionally have a bonus that USAI adds. You do not need to pick a number or anything, just buy a ticket (or several) and you're entered.
How are winners selected?
A random number generator will randomly select an entry from the list of tickets using a Python script.
What is the USAI Bonus?
The USAI Bonus is additional money added to the jackpot by USAI at no cost to ticket holders. This is to incentivize people to buy tickets due to the larger jackpot.
How much of the jackpot does the winner get?
The winner is entitled to no less than 70% of the jackpot. The remaining funds are reserved for USAI to use as we see fit. They will mainly be used to expand the jackpot for future drawings, or for other USAI projects that benefit the public.
MlgEpicCar won $6,700 on November 19th, 2023